big web auction

Mineo Maya Hand-Drawn Illustration "Patalliro" plara

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Current Price

35,000 yen

Start Price

35,000 yen

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0 yen

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Start Time

2024/06/15 15:00:00

Live Time

2024/07/07 21:00:00

2024/07/07 05:00:00

Item Number


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Bid Increments [Info]

1,000 yen

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Item's Details

(item number) 3084
(title) Mineo Maya Hand-Drawn Illustration "Patalliro" plara
(size) 110×152mm
(condition) 8
(detailed) discolored
(starting bid price) 35,000 yen

(comment) In the early days of Patalillo, a robot plasma created by Patalillo appeared. The plasma and Afro's child robot is Plala. She was the girl from the time she appeared, but because of that, she sometimes remembered her adolescence-like ruthlessness against her powerful but timid father, Plasma. Since the real heroine, Maraich, is also a beautiful boy, the character of playing a purely beautiful girl is rare in Patarillo. "The cute expression on the plate is adorable (Iwai)"

Translation is done by machine translator.

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