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Nakamura Shoten / Shinseika "Exploring Africa First Edition with box include"

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With warranty


damage on the edge of the cover (14cm scratch), inside cover damaged (paper tag, small paraffin paper stuck ), Staining to main pages , 1cm missing in one place

Current Price

300,000 yen

Start Price

300,000 yen

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0 yen

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0 yen

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Start Time

2024/06/15 15:00:00

Live Time

2024/07/07 21:26:27

2024/07/07 05:26:27

Item Number


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Bid Increments [Info]

5,000 yen

Bidding has ended

Item's Details

(item number) 7011
(title) Nakamura Shoten / Shinseika "Exploring Africa First Edition with box include"
(author) Shinseika
(maker) Nakamura Bookstore
(the date of issue) 1940(S15)03.16
(size) 46th edition
(sheets) 162P
(side note) All 4-2 colors
(condition) [6]
(detailed) damage on the edge of the cover (14cm scratch), inside cover damaged (paper tag, small paraffin paper stuck ), Staining to main pages , 1cm missing in one place
(starting bid price) 300,000 yen

(comment) Nakamura picture series 9
The box is in good condition without any damage. Large scratches on the cover of the main body. The main body is slightly damaged, but the content of the text is not damaged. First edition (Kubo)

122 Nakamura Manga

Translation is done by machine translator.

Item Information

Size (Package Size)
195 mm × 135 mm × 20 mm
320 g

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