(item number) 1114 (title) Popeye Tank Silver (maker) Rhinemarty (the date of issue) 1950s (size) 100 mm (Country) Japan (Material) Tinplate / Rubber (power) Spring (detailed) Box 3 Main body 7 (slight discoloration) (starting bid price) 85,000 yen
(comment) After moving forward for a certain distance while catching fire, it stopped halfway, and the popeye panel lifted up and turned the tank around. Then start running again. There is a switch on the side, and it can be switched on and off. 00:25:54.48 It's a simple gimmick, but the way the tank actually flips over is dynamic and you can feel the fun of Marx's ideas. The small size of the detailed print of popeye and tank printed on the entire surface is so complete that you wouldn't expect it to be a flat-centered tinplate. "Don't miss the brave popeye depicted in the box picture." Popeye Tank is a popular series (Koshizaki) that sells silver and blue tanks, as well as green tanks sold during the Marx period, non-character soldiers with the same mechanism, and tanks printed with characters such as Superman, Flintstone, and Casper.
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